21 January 2010

Life in 2010

So, the first week of December in 2009, I took a week long vacation. While I was off and at home relaxing, I found out from people at work that they were laying people off. The first time the company had ever in their 33 years had to do something like that. I called my boss and asked him about it that night. He called back and told me that he didn't know anything yet and assured me that nothing was wrong. The next morning, he asked me to come in to meet with him. I went in and was told that I was being laid off permanently. It's very embarrassing to cry in front of people you've worked with for over 2 years. I went to say goodbye and to cry with some of my other coworkers in the building and left broken hearted. Out of 300 employees, 30 of us were laid off. A couple days later I filed for unemployment and have been looking for a job since. It's really hard to find a job these days. I even tried to go back to the job I had before as a manager instead of a regular team member like before. I figured I had worked at the other job for nearly 6 years and left on a good rapport. They said that I just didn't qualify and so it's their loss. I knew practically everything about the company and they just threw me around like a toy for 3 weeks. I have one interview that is coming up that is hopefully promising. I pray that I get a job soon because I haven't been jobless in over 8 years.