25 October 2010

Blog, I'm sorry I've neglected you...

Well, I haven't been on this blog in a while. I finally got a job after pretty much harassing them for nearly 2 months. It was a teeny weeny pay cut, but it's less than 10 minutes from my house. I've been told that I am actually fairly good at my job even though I've never really done anything like it before. I'm a very fast learner and like to work with my hands.

R.F. and I have a cooking channel on youtube which is gaining popularity. We have over 100 subscribers. I even have two videos that I've edited that still need to go up, but since R.F. and I are busy, it's nice to be able to upload a video when I want. We also started a food blog to go along with our youtube channel. We'll post our recipes from our videos and also do reviews of restaurants, festivals, and markets that we go to. The stupid thing is that I put the blog on wordpress instead of blogger. I should have used blogger because our email address for our subscriber's inquiries is on gmail. I may end up switching it over to blogger, since we only have one post so far.

Other than that, I can't believe Thanksgiving and Christmas is around the corner again. The upside is that my cousins from South Carolina are coming for Christmas. I love having family around on the holidays. Especially family you don't get to see very often. I've actually never met them, except the oldest when she was a baby.

I'm getting tired now and can't think of what to write. I don't want to write nonsense, so I will end it here for today.

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