27 July 2014

San Francisco: Part 1

So, I meant to blog about my mini trip to San Francisco this year, but never made the time to, plus I had a ton of stuff to do for my photography class once I got back.

I'll post a recap of everything in this blog. Along with some photos for your viewing pleasure.

3AM, April 11th, 2014:
I woke up this early because I had to drive myself to O'hare that morning. I had showered and dropped my dog off at my mother's the previous night, so I threw on some make up, checked my carry on again and got in the car for the 2 1/2 hour drive (Google maps says it's just a little over 2 hours, but I accounted for Friday morning traffic and having to stop at tolls).

I arrived at the airport at 6:20am and parked in the E-lot. Got on the tram and rode that to terminal 3. Once there, I found the Virgin America counters and used the self check in computers. When it printed the boarding pass, I had to ask them if that was it because it looked so different from boarding passes I'm used to getting.

After confirming I was okay to go through security, I found the shortest security line and played around on my phone while I waited. Security was a breeze luckily and I got to the gate and waited for boarding. Once on the flight, I did do an in flight blog, which I posted before this one. 

When I arrived in San Francisco, I texted A.S. to tell him I had landed. He thought I had brought my big luggage and told me to text him when I got my luggage, he was parked in the cell phone lot with the car he rented for the day. I told him I had only brought my carry on and so he immediately apologized for not being at the arrival terminal and told me he'd be right there.

Once he got there, he got out, greeted me and took my carry on and put it in the back seat of the Audi rental car. After getting on the freeway to go into the city, we chatted a little and he asked if we should go home to drop my things off before going to explore and have lunch. I agreed, as I didn't really want my stuff in the car all afternoon.

He decided that we would explore the Mission District that afternoon and so we found a parking spot and walked over to Delores Park first.

After hanging out in the park for a while, we decided to walk the streets and went into various shops. I had mentioned that I had a headache, so A.S. suggested getting some caffeine. We went to Ritual Coffee Roasters and got some caffeine in our systems. :) After that, we stopped in shops and A.S. bought a CD of some local band. We also stopped in Dog Eared Books and browsed the shelves. A.S. found a book he wanted and bought it. Immediately turning around and handing it to me as a gift and explaining that he liked to find the particular author and give away the books.

Since he noticed that I was really interested in the graffiti and murals in this particular district, we ended up walking down an alley that had murals down both sides. This resulted in us jaywalking in front of the Mission District police station, where I stated that if I got in trouble, he was to take all the blame.

Eventually, we went back to the car, as we were only allowed to park for 2 hours, and went to go find lunch. We ended up at Samovar Tea Lounge on Page St.

After lunch, we decided to go over by the bay. Here I took a really great photo of the bay bridge (which I will not post here) and one of A.S. with the bridge.

Afterwards, we had planned to go to Crissy Field, but ended up at Marina Green. I took some photos there and then, we went home to grab a bottle of sake to take with us before our dinner reservation at Ino Sushi.
The sushi was some of the best sushi I've ever had. We had the omakase, which translates to "I'll leave it to you". It's where the sushi chef makes you what he wants and you usually get to try a few things that are not on the menu. We got to try some that we had never tried before and it was all very tasty. One of my favorites was the Monk fish liver (ankimo nigiri) and the weirdest was the last piece, which I believe was Anago. I only say it was weird because I'd never had sushi like that. Everything was delicious and Yelp reviews are a hit and miss with this little sushi bar because I think some people just feel intimidated by Ino-San (the sushi chef and owner). When you don't understand a culture, it's hard to understand their mannerisms.

After dinner, we went to Land's End because I had wanted to get sunset photos, but it didn't turn out how I wanted because mother nature was not playing along with me. So, after taking a few shots, we headed back home and a couple of A.S.'s friends came by and we played some table top games (which I really didn't want to play, but they made me because and I quote, "you're here") and then after A.S., J.T. and I went to a bar for a beer. When A.S. and I got home, we watched the "Jiro: Dreams of Sushi" documentary, but because I had been up for pretty much 24 hours by this time, I fell asleep on my make shift bed aka the couch and so, A.S. quietly shut it off and told me it was time for sleep.

End day 1. 

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