30 November 2011

Avoiding Christmas Music

Ok, so I know that the radio is playing Christmas music now, especially since it's after Thanksgiving, but I haven't listened to one Christmas song yet. I avoid any station I know is playing Christmas music. I don't think I've heard it much at the stores and if they have been playing it, then I just really wasn't paying any attention. A.V. (my husband) and I are pretty much done shopping. This is a record for us, but everyone is only getting 1 or 2 gifts from us, as we can't afford much more than that. I think I am going to skip Christmas cards again this year, except for maybe people who live far away like Missouri, California, Arizona, and England.

I have yet to throw up my Christmas tree and as the days go on, I'm not sure if I will or not. No one is coming to our house for Christmas, so why bother?

Other than that, I ordered a new video camera for shooting videos for
Essential Cooking's YouTube. It's the same brand, but a little more updated and has an external mic port. I'm ready to test that out. People complain so much about that camera, but I realized it's because they're idiots. The product is sometimes only as good as it's user. I use an older version of the camera and it works fine for what I need it for, but I really need something with an external mic. I think at some point the internal mic on the one I'm using now got messed up, so sometimes the sound is not that great.

R.F. and I will probably be shooting our last video of 2011 in a couple weeks with the new camera. I'm still not sure what we are going to make. I'm also still working on getting the website going with blogs and video posts, as you can see it's not that big of a priority right now. Still need to call up, S.E. for that.

My new role at work is going well. I'm learning quickly, but have yet to talk to a customer. I will have to learn soon though because D.D. will be gone in January for a week for the Shot Show in Vegas and I'll be left alone to take orders, enter them, pull them, and ship them (with some help, but probably mostly me). Not to mention any customer complaints or questions that will come to our department because I will be the department @o@.

Well, I don't have anything else to write, so I'm going to go play the Sims 3 because if I can control anything in this life, it's my sims and that's not always a guarantee. Lol...

19 November 2011


So, as of last Thursday I now work in the office full time! I will be learning to be a customer service rep for our department, as D.D. is really the only person who takes orders for us. I will also handle our departments returns and implementing things that they want changed, but can't get D.D. to do it. Some people are just set in their ways. ;)

Also, I really need to finish a jewelry order in the next couple of weeks as they are Christmas presents for the person's family. I'm planning on posting a new video on essentialcooking's youtube channel, although I do not like the video that much. I haven't written my story for a couple of months now. Didn't know I was writing a story did you?

I do so many things sometimes it seems crazy...

25 October 2011

Food and Friends

Last Sunday was a lot of fun! I went to R.F.'s apartment and we went grocery shopping for our sushi making ingredients. We've done this a few times, but we had our vegan friends, M.H. and S.H. coming over. So, we decided to make everything vegan friendly.

I had decided that making spring rolls sounded good and bought ingredients for that as well.

We put romaine lettuce, cilantro, carrot, rice noodles, seasoned tofu, and sweet chili sauce with peanuts inside. I seasoned the tofu with soy sauce, sesame oil, and fresh ground peppercorn.

We then realized that we had entirely too much food. R.F. starting texting some friends and we soon had a small gathering. Everyone enjoyed creating their own sushi rolls. Here are some pictures!

We had lots of food and we didn't even finish eating it all. M.H. made vegan green tea cupcakes and they were delicious!

Also, a lot of R.F.'s friends are swing dancers. She started dancing a little over a year ago and loves it! I always get lovely photos of dancing.

R.F. and A.C.

Well, I've nothing else for today.

23 October 2011

Well, hello there!

I haven't posted in a year. A lot has happened and here I go...

I'm still at my job I got in my last post. I got a raise a few months ago and now make more than I have ever made at any job. People always notice that I do well at learning new things and so I have also started working in the office in the afternoons. Mostly doing bagging and shipping, but also learning little by little from my direct supervisor, D.D. I hope to do well there in the years to come.

R.F. and I still have our YouTube channel and it now has over 300 subscribers! Yay! We're not famous, by any means, but most of our subs generally like our videos. I would love to post more videos, as right now we're only posting one video a month. We're about to receive some money from our google adsense and I will be buying us a new video camera. I would love to become YouTube partners, but we need to have more subscribers and more people looking at our videos in the first few hours that I upload them. Something to work on! I'm always working on something. Also, I had a website created for essential cooking. It's not fully operational yet, but will be once I get a hold of the website designer/my friend/very busy, up and coming man, S.E. of New Chicago Beer Co.

I still do jewelry, but very little. I will work on orders when people ask for certain items and sometimes fix small problems with people's jewelry.

Last weekend, I went to the Covered Bridge Festival in Mansfield, IN. I bought a nail art stamping kit by Konad. It's cute and easy. I never really like doing my nails, but I'm loving this fun kit. I may post pictures of some of my nails later!

I'd love to write more, but I'm going to R.F.'s to go grocery shopping and make sushi tonight. Mmmm, love making sushi! Maybe, I'll post pictures of that, too!

On a side note, I've been dieting for a couple months now and have lost 11 pounds. I'm really planning on sticking to it this time around. :)

I know you missed me, xoxo