06 December 2013

I love you, I hate you

So, yesterday was nice. I had a good evening hanging out with my best friend and brother for his birthday.

I got rudely woken up at 4am by someone calling me twice from a Georgia number. I had talked to this person a couple days ago and told them I didn't know them. The reason they keep getting text messages from my phone is because I have a friend who has been sending group texts and this other person I think is confused (I don't think they understand group texting). So, they keep trying to figure out why I'm texting them. I'm not, I'm texting everyone in the group text...come on people, learn about what technology you have. Lmfao! So, I didn't answer for fear I would curse an innocent person out. 

Also, I noticed this morning that I've been snuggling my pillows. Forever alone... :( heh...

It's supposed to snow this weekend. Oh boy! Brrrrr.....

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