04 December 2013

Shine a light in the Dark

Oh man is today gloomy out! 

I'm rebuilding my emotional wall and filling in the cracks as best I can. The blogging has really helped even if they've been depressing as of late. I haven't let my guard down like that in a while. 

You all know I'm strong and so for me to break down that way, you know that whatever it was, it was important and meant something to me. 

I think one of my strengths and downfalls (at times) is that I have so much love and kindness to give and yet even if I don't get it back in equal parts, I still give no matter what. 

For those of you who actually take the time to read these blogs, thank you. You're reading this because I actually mean something to you and you truly care. Think about that for a moment. The first time I met you and who I am to you. :-)

Love Always,


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